Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Art of Negotiation

 I began negotiating at age 10. My goal was to get spending money. I prepared to take over part of my brother's newspaper route for a fee. He made me an offer and I negotiated for 25% more. This early experience taught me to ask for what I wanted. 
 Fast forward to my current negotiating experience, I am a Real Estate Agent. My livelyhood depends on my ability to negotiate. I share what I have learned with my clients during our negotiating period.
My Top 5 Tips to the Art of Negotiation:
 Set a Goal
 Look at what you want to spend and stick to a budget. Decide on what is most important and what you can live without.
Be Prepared
Arm yourself with sales statics, market trends and recent sales of similar properties. Compare properties in your local market to see what the properties look like and what you get for the price.
Check Your Emotions
Negotiations are financial decisions. My best advice to achieve your goals is to check your emotions and use your head instead of your heart. You may have to take a moment to keep your emotions in check, take your time.
Understand the Other Side's Objectives
 Understanding the other side's goals is one of the best tools to a successful negotiation. Negotiations are a two way street. To get what you want you have to be willing to give something in exchange. Understanding what the other side wants will help you achieve your goals.
Listen and Ask Questions
During the process of negotiation listen and ask questions to gain insight. You may find out where you have an advantage and how to use the information you receive to help achieve your goals.
Walk Away
Prepare yourself to walk away from negotiations. This tool can help you get back on track if things are not going the way you expected. You will find out if the other side wants to sell. 

 My advise to clients is you'll never know unless you try. Let me know how I can be of assistance to you in the Tucson Real Estate Market. I am here to answer questions and be of service to you.

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